FCC's new chairman said that your landlord can force you to serve you for mandatory ISP services.
Blog Andrew Joseph 30 Jan , 2025 0
The new presidential government almost always means the new agenda of the Federal Communications Commission. As a typical example of this, the new FCC chairman Brendan Carr has canceled the Bayiden's proposal. The proposal will have limited landlords to obtain compulsory Internet services through a single batch provider. Since the proposal has been shot down, there is nothing to prevent the building owner from forcing their tenants to pay for Internet services they do not need nor need.
Such as reporting Art TechnicaCarr (Carr) constitutes his decision to win the consumer, and claims that the previous proposal will increase the Internet cost of tenants. He also condemned the proposal as “excessive supervision” and promised to revoke more agenda before the FCC.
However, the proposal that has failed now is not a ban on the ability of the landlord to provide batch Internet services; it just enables tenants to refuse the service. This was opposed by lobbying groups in the housing industry. In turn they praised Calle's decision to allow renters to “get benefits from batch billing.” Lobbyers in the cable industry-including the representatives of Comcast, Charter and Cox, and also support CARR's actions.
Public Knowledge-Non-profit public interest group-John Bergmayer issued a statement to ARS Technica through its legal director John Bergmayer. The statement states that the proposed batch filling will eliminate the “landlords, TELECOM and Telecom and Telecom and Telecom and Telecom Telecom and cable companies have gone by bypassing the (FCC) rules. “Now, there are almost nothing to prevent the landlord from providing unrecomprudible Internet services to those who cannot reject them.
Image source: getty images/alex wong