“Don't bet” has our last one: Part 3, says Neil Druckman
Blog Andrew Joseph 05 Mar , 2025 0

Despite previously hinting at our Last Last: Part III, game series creative director and co-author Neil Druckmann told fans to “don't bet” in another chapter of the team.
Talk to it type Before HBO's “The Last Show” season 2, it's not entirely reassuring that Druckmann's eagerly wait for news about the third game of the series for fans.
Our Last TV Shows vs Games Comparison
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When asked about a potential third entry, Druckman said: “I guess the only thing I'm going to say is not bet, there's more 'last'.” “It could be that.”
This is very different from the answer given by Druckmann in rooting a year ago in II: Make Us Last Part: Part Two Documentary. In it, Druckmann did Our Last: Part 3 Sound Possible. He said there might have been “another chapter of this story” at the time, and for years he hadn't found the concept of a third game in the series. However, there has been a recent change, with Druckmann saying “it's your own business” but having “passing through” might connect all three games.
“I don't have a story,” Druckman said in the documentary. “But I do have a concept that, for me, is as exciting and exciting as (part) 1.
follow Cancel our last multiplayer game for December 2023Naughty Dog confirms it is working on two single-player projects. One of them, Marriage: Heresy Prophet, revealed at the Competition Awards last year. While many fans think that we were the last one: Part III is one of two games Naughty Dog is playing, that's not the case.
Even if our last part: Part III is not implemented, there are still new aspects of this story for fans to discover as part of the second part HBO adaptation. In the variety show interview, Druckman said that many changes will occur compared to the game, calling it “Different versions” of the story.
“I love the changes we made,” he said. “It's another version of that story, but its DNA is there. Maybe it's excited, and I'm really curious about how their (fans) will react.
Druckman had previously stated that even if the show should last for several seasons, Events that won't surpass the Olympics.
The final season of American Season 2 debuted on HBO and will consist of seven episodes in total, and five years later, Joel and Eli found themselves separated after the Season 1 event. The Remastered Version of Our Last Man: Part Two Will Release on PC on April 3rd.