First check out Tarkir's 5 new cards: Dragonstorm, Magic: The next group of the party

These five cards are a “loop” and all cards share some common design grounds in various magic colors. In this case, all five are cheap commonly used creatures with abilities associated with Takir's tricolor clan, while the other one allows you to turn mana into a color from that clan.

“The finite environment of three colors requires a lot of mana fixation,” explained the wizard at Adam Prosak, senior game designer at Coast. “We wanted a lot of decks to have access to mana fixation, so we created a lot of designs dedicated to helping solve spell problems, and these creatures can work simultaneously while developing mana – many other designs (such as the striking land) will only put Mana and you behind your mana.”

Book MTG Tarkir: Dragonstorm card

Although this mechanical aspect is the first specific cycle, the team usually relies on normal cards as a place to showcase the environment — in which case the clans are different from the last time players saw them. “Jeskai's passionate monk, using Temur Magic's whispers, Nagas in Sultai as the protector (and Avengers) of the jungle, Mardu Morical Prowess, including support characters (including the shape and size of the dragon), and Abzan Clerics, and Abzan Clerics recovered the lost Kin Trees.”

One criticism of some recent magic sets is the over-reliance on metaphors or theme heads, even when revisiting previous aircraft, which makes Dragonstorm stand out when returning to Tarkir relatively straightforward. Senior World Construction Art Director Forrest Schehl said such feedback is important to WOTC, but “Tarkir’s top court was established before the Karlov Manor murder” and subsequent scenes and that have not changed after them.

“We want to combine dragons and clans in ways that are not seen on Tarkir, and a dragon that defines characteristics of the aircraft will play an important role in shaping how we approach this “return to the right pressure.”

Tarkir: Dragonstorm is now making reservationsthe set is scheduled to be released on paper and digitally on April 11, and pre-release events in the store begin on April 4. Read on for a full interview with Coast Wizard Adam Prosak, Lauren Bond and Forrest Schehl:

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IGN: This card cycle seems to be aimed at limited, much-needed lasers – what are the goals these cards need?

Adam Prosak, Senior Game Designer: The three-color limited environment requires a lot of mana fixation in all rarity. We wanted a lot of decks to have access to mana fixes, so we created a number of designs specifically designed to help solve mana problems. In particular, these creatures allow you to join the board while developing mana points at the same time – many other designs (such as excavated land) can only make mana, and you tend to fall behind to fix mana.

They also impressed me as “Legend Gum” if you want, and everyone has some insight into their clan. Is this a clear part of its role in the collection?

Lauren Bond, Senior World Construction Designer: While the mechanics of these cards appear first, because world builders often view regular cards (especially cycles) as places to showcase key elements of the setup, players will see them frequently in the draft. This cycle is based on the “return color” of each clan as an opportunity to show how the color is manifested in the new version of the clan. Jeskai’s passionate monk, using Temur Magic’s whispers, Sultai’s Nagas as the protector (and Avengers) of the jungle, Mardu’s military abilities, including characters (including dragons) (the dragons come in many shapes and sizes!), and Abzan Clerics!

The Tricolor set is not rarely produced, can you talk about some of the challenges of doing these challenges and how you try to solve the challenges in Dragon Storm?

AP: Essentially, the tri-color card has fewer decks than its monochrome (or two colors). As long as they are not overdoing, they are usually exciting.

Building a seal/draft environment is the biggest challenge – the easiest format to build can allow three colors, so finding a home is not challenging for three color cards. On the other hand, we have to provide enough mana fix to allow players to play their own three color cards without being so rich that all five colors can be easily played on each deck.

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This will be the case where the standard suite has returned to existing planes without some theme twist (such as at Karlov Manor) since the lost cave in 2023, and the rest of the 2025 lineup means that this will be the last time at least a year after that. With that in mind, is there an increased pressure here to ask fans to be fair about Tarkir and the overall “classic” magic environment?

Forrest Schehl, Senior World Art Director: Fan feedback is very important to us, and it’s something we need to consider during the early stages of developing every new set we make. That being said, Takil’s top court was established before the murders in Karov Estate and remained the same throughout the development. We want to combine dragons and clans together in ways that are not seen on Tarkir in the same scenario, and a Dragonstorms of the aircraft that define characteristics will play an important role in shaping how we approach this “return”. Lauren's pressure is Lauren, and I've felt from day one that we've always wanted to build the next chapter of this beloved aircraft with authenticity and substance.

Finally, although this was revealed before, I must ask Stormscale Scion – laugh at Storm Scale itself! It's fun to talk about this card and the unexpected standard return of the storm, is it a tough decision? There are some tempting challenges to returning to “risk” mechanisms like this in recent years?

AP: I found that it is often easier to make new cards for existing mechanics than to make new mechanics. With the existing mechanisms, we can learn some lessons about what effects and what pitfalls to avoid. In the case of Stormscale Scion, we found that the card was fun and powerful even with a few copies, so we tend to win some other storm cards of the game, but only if you impose a lot of spells.

Tom Marks IGN's executive comment editor. He likes card games, puzzles, platform games, puzzle platforms and more.

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