Nintendo Switch 2 was launched in June with a three-phase launch – Report
Blog Andrew Joseph 26 Mar , 2025 0

The Nintendo Switch 2 is reportedly launched in June and plans to run tripartite and third-party competitions for the rest of the year.
According to Insider Gamevarious sources claim that Nintendo has a three-part plan that will launch the Nintendo Switch 2 release this year. Phase 1 is launched from June’s Switch 2, which will be supported by many first-party Nintendo games, such as the next Mario Kart game, which is shown in the Repart Trailer. June is also the time when more developers will get the Switch 2 development kit. Analyst Daniel Ahmad It was clarified on X that many developers already have the Switch 2 development kit, and Nintendo just expanded that number in June.
Nintendo Switch 2 – Official First View Revealed Trailer
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Phase 2 is scheduled from October to November, which will release more third-party games on the console. The final stage is the holiday, although there are no other details outside of releasing more games. The report also mentioned that certain content creators and media will see new consoles and upcoming games next week, the same week with Switch 2 Nintendo Direct occur.
Nintendo Switch 2 Direct is scheduled for April 2, but reports say another Nintendo Direct will happen later this week. While the exact details are not clear, it is expected that this will be entirely focused on the original Nintendo Switch and use any title of the console in the near future, e.g. Metroid Prime 4: Beyond. Nintendo also recently released Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, with one Hidden 60 fps modethis may be a feature enabled by Switch 2.