Amazon Prime Members Get These 20 Free Games in March
Blog Andrew Joseph 06 Mar , 2025 0

Amazon revealed that it will be participating in all free PC games for Prime Gaming in March and can capture classic open worlds, fantasy and puzzle games. A total of 20 games will be available, with four currently available. Remind you that even if your subscription expires, all free games you claim through Prime Gaming will remain forever. If you are not a member, You can sign up for Amazon Prime Just one month to take advantage of the subscription and the freebies offered through it.
Start a month The Saints' Route: The Third Remake and Mafia 2: The Authoritative Edition. One third is considered the best in the Saints series, and is a stupid sandbox of crime and dubstep-powered weapons, while the remade version has enhanced graphics and all post-release DLC. Mafia 2: The Final Edition is a story-oriented open-world game from the 1940s as war hero Vito Scaletta tangles with the mob.
You can also redeem it Crime Boss: Rocky City If you want to think of Chuck Norris as a bad guy in terms of bad gameplay, there are also Naheulbeuk's Dungeon Master Improve the first batch of games. March 13 will provide you with five games to choose from, the highlight here is End: Extinction is forever. This is not a game for the faint-hearted, as Endling controls the last mother fox on Earth. Endling is driven to protect all her bears in a ruthless world, a stressful and emotional survival adventure game.
Moving forward to March 20, the Prime Gaming Library will be expanded through five matches. Deadly enclosure It's a flawed but interesting soul. Wolfenstein: Old Blood It is the first Wolfenstein Adventure weird derivative developed by Machinegames, you can jump into 2003 Kane's Legacy: Resistance Check out the last match of the classic series.
Finally, on March 27, six games will arrive to limit the one-month game. Deus Ex: Invisible War,,,,, Forgotten cityand Session: Skateboard Simulation.
Main games for March 2025 free games
Available now
- Saints Row: The third fix (GOG code)
- Mafia 2: Authoritative Edition (GOG Code)
- Crime Boss: Rocky City (Epic Games Store)
- Naheulbeuk's Dungeon Master (Amazon Games App)
March 13
- Wall World (Amazon Games App)
- Syberia: The World Before (GOG Code)
- End: Extinction is Forever (Amazon Games App)
- Dark God: Full Version (GOG Code)
- Lover 3 (Amazon Games App)
March 20
- Wolfenstein: Old Blood (via Microsoft Store Code Xbox and PC)
- Mutation (GOG code)
- Figure 2: Creed Valley (Amazon Games App)
- Kain's Legacy: Rebellion (GOG Code)
- Mortal Shell (Epic Games Store)
March 27
- Forgotten City (Amazon Games App)
- Deus Ex: Invisible War (GOG Code)
- Conference: Skateboard SIM (Epic Games Store)
- Let's build a zoo (Epic Games Store)
- Gamedec – Final Edition (GOG Code)
- Wisbey's Mystery (Old Game Code)
Prime subscribers can also participate in the following games through the Prime Gaming Luna channel:
- WRC Generation: Full Load Version
- Cooked 2
- Spit
- Jackbox Party Pack 3
- Strange gardening
- Fortnite
- Fortnite Ballistics
- Lego Castle Brick Life
- Fortnite Battle Royale
- Fortnite Festival
- Lego Fortnite Odyssey
- Rocket racing
- Fortnite
- Trackmania
- Fallout New Las Vegas: Ultimate Edition
- Fallout 3: Game of the Year