Atomfall Review – Bunker Thrill
Blog Andrew Joseph 25 Mar , 2025 0

Atoms are not effects. Comparison has always been popular, but the developers want to make it clear that the new IP of the sniper elite creator is “What is certain is“And it's right. Yes. Yes. But sometimes the similarities jump off the screen. Both are concentrated in a mutant, warring apocalyptic world Escape That bunker, Atomfall requires you to enter its mysterious facility, i.e. exchange. It is in this simple goal that Atomfall’s open world design elevates the game to something unique and fun, even if things like Stealth and Combat sometimes drag it to procrastination.
Just as Atomfall’s main stroke is Radiation and other derivatives of apocalyptic novels, its story begins with a similar preference for clichés. You woke up in the 1950s British countryside with amnesia. Nearby phone booth rings, the sound on the other side asks you to destroy someone or some “Oberon”. Every time you approach a phone booth in the wild, you almost always call back. The mysterious message doesn't make any sense, but it does quickly push you toward the goal: find and enter the intersection, which seems to be some kind of locked facility that seems to be the location of scientific experiments. Oberon may perish if you choose.
After this incident, the people of the region were left to put the debris back to their original place, which led to the formation of several opposing groups, such as the military power of the authorities, the roaming bandits resorting to litigation with chaos, and the cult of those who believe in disaster OK, actually. These territorial factions are often isolated to their own areas, and they are what a series of open world maps experience, which can be explored without restrictions once you start the game.

It is this element that will soon be the best aspect of Atomfall, and still so. Many of you meet have stories to share, rumors to spread and seek to push you gently. Excitingly, the game doesn't shed light on this in its expected difficulties – although in terms of lower difficulties, it offers a more traditional task log – I found it a refreshing method of portability. You just choose “clues” by reading notes, talking to NPCs, listening to audio logs, or just stepping in one direction in the direction you found, rather than spelling the content, just choosing “clues.”
For example, lead may indicate that vehicle warehouses have been reportedly present in certain coordinates in a particular area. You can then place markers on the map and follow your compass as the rumored landmarks – the game won't do it for you. Maybe you will find it protected by enemies. Maybe it's vacant but locked, so you need to search for a way to turn it on. What you walk in is never clear, so it's always exciting. Early on, your survey might have some potential customers, such as finding nearby merchants near the spin inventory, but by the end of the game, I've classified dozens of leads into categories. The game doesn't even tell you which is the main mission, which might just lead you to something like a weapon cache or some skill point. This lack of answers makes every crumb feel worthy of attention.
Because the game doesn't limit where you're going or when you're going there, it will wisely set up a few symbolic dominoes regardless of your particular adventure arrangement. It is unlikely that you see the world in the order I or anyone else sees it, so the adaptive world will be scattered enough tips on the map to keep your lead menu growing for longer all the time, regardless of where you are running.
It all culminates in the last action, which branchs into many different directions based on the way you align with in the story. Even the act of escaping the area requires you to choose one side as several factions plan to escape, while others seek to stay there for their own purposes. If you really like the branch story, this provides a good reason to manage multiple savings and try different outcomes. In my play, I saw its four main endings, saving by reloading before the final selection, but smaller details are also reflected in the new Las Vegas-like cutscenes, so further recovery in the story creates its own ripple effect.

Few games bring you to your device in this way, so Exploring the world never gets old in Atomfall’s 15-hour story. Every discovery is profitable. All of this was fascinating when I revisited a hub of survivors and military supervisors in a place called Wyndham Village. The first time, I talked to some people, picked up some clues, and found the transition door to another new map. That was exciting in itself, so I left and walked for many hours. When I finally returned to the village, I noticed the access to several buildings and the placement of several of my own detailed prospects, including the mission that allowed me to rescue a female husband, reveal a secret defector in the middle, and even resolve the murder in a nearby church. I could have happened either or all of them in the first hour, and they were also fun at that time, but going back to a locale and revealing that I was basically overlooking some of the main Questlines, which are the experiences some open-world games offer.
This discovery and self-guided story set me facing some weak parts of Atomfall. While each map is as complex as the maps in the developer's sniper elite game, sneaking is sometimes a chore because of the way Hawkeye enemies is enemies. Strangely, they also seem hard to hear, so it creates a dynamic in which trying to interact with a sneaky area means bypassing the enemy, they hear too little and see too much. I can often run around them without disturbing them, but if I have broken sight and no more than a few meters away, they will find me in an unrealistic way, and in some way most other stealth games keep me from worrying.
Fighting is also sometimes rough. Although melee works well and offers a lot of interesting breeds in terms of weapons you can use, such as survival knives, coma batons, and even cricket rackets, guns are bouncy like using first-person shooting in sniper elites (except snipers). In this game, the aimer with the controller feels bad, and given that I just played the team's latest sniper elite game a few weeks ago, it feels familiar. Generally, Atomfall feels like a reused sniper elite in some ways, with a lot of assets in the World War II series, each map expressing similar design principles, but I'm not as old as I'm in mine. Sniper Elite: Resistance Commentsin which I lament how the series feels. The visible basic shared DNA is visible, but the task design makes it more attractive and helps it stand out from other rebellion games. I just hope the team can stay away from other games by solving problems that are holding others back for a while.
Atoms sound like RPG, but it also has a tendency toward many types of survival. The default difficulty of taking advantage of the game's excellent lead system also makes the battle very difficult, as the characters hit the hard and aim, and your silent amnesia isn't that durable. This is done through a lot of handmade recipes like Molotovs and Turnages, but I found that the system usually contradicts itself. I never found a backpack capacity upgrade and assumed that a person didn't exist, and when I was filled with consumables with crafts, I felt so weird that I could no longer pick up the items and also had a full backpack that I couldn't use the materials to make more items. In essence, resource economy is unbalanced. I have too much material and too small space to store the final result. I don't always have everything I need, but I usually don't have more room.

Just like in Sniper Elite, I do find its unlockable skills bland sometimes, for example, a weapon that reduces weapon swing (first in games where weapons rarely swing), while another makes food offer more healing, even though I rarely have the luxury of giving backpack space to corn is paste or bread bread. I'm not sure why, but Rebellion has never been able to get you to crouch faster – the first thing I unlock in any game with IT games – despite all the actions of crouching happening in the game.
The advantage of this skill is that most branches must find or buy from traders and then unlock with skill points, further rewarding exploration. Since I didn't find all, my favorite skills in video games still exist somewhere in the UK countryside, but due to the lack of help, I completely overlooked many of the skills I found.
Atoms are not radiation. Sometimes that's because the radiation is a bigger, better game. But Atomfall also constitutes its story and world, so unlike typical open-world games, this difference is more than a slight effect on the latest efforts of the rebellion. Its fresh, mysterious open-world design overcomes a bunch of world architecture cliches and some gaming obstacles, making the whole process feel new and worthwhile. Usually, a new video game IP needs to be able to really establish its identity until its sequel. Theoretical Atom 2 feels one day that might be a bigger game as long as it is built on the fun mission framework of the game. Here and now, Atomfall is a great game that sometimes gets it your way, but it's the process of finding a unique path in the story that will keep in touch with you after the dust has settled.