How to get automatic pets in the Mistria realm: Animal Elf Statue Guide
Blog Andrew Joseph 12 Mar , 2025 0

MISTRIA Field' Automatic pets Is the new convenience of developers NPC Studio at Farm Sim's The second major update. These will automatically make all your farm animals happy – assuming they are in the same room as the statue. This may sound like a small benefit, but once you have a lot of animals, it can take a lot of time to caress them alone. The realm of this Mistria Auto-Petter guide explains how to get recipes for animal elves statues and make your own tools.
MISTRIA Field: How to Get the recipe for automatic production of animal elves statues

Your first automatic archive and make recipes Make more recipes will be sealed in caves you may have passed countless times before. yes Blocking the cave entrance next to Errol's house In the narrow southwest of the museum. You need a new spell, the dragon's breath, to turn it on, and it's by no means easy.
Mistria's Fields reward you with the Dragon's Breathing Spell Breaking the fire seal missionyou also need to complete to satisfy Caldarus' human form, enter lava caves and deep forest biomes, and unlock Water puddle statue sprinkler device.
After breaking the fire seal, once you unlock it Pass through other seals in the mine and arrive at 60this is not something you will do very quickly. It's convenient because the idea of automatic bondage may sound like it's better to let the process unfold naturally rather than grinding this particular item in most Mistria realms.
So to say, use the spell at hand to go to the cave next to Errol's house and release the burning smoke onto the rocks. They will crash, so you can get the first automatic lawnmower and animal elves statues from the chest to make recipes.
MISTRIA Field: How to Make Autonomous Driving

Just like using a sprinkler recipe, making an automatic pet requires a new stone ingredient that unlocks at the end of another Questline. This is Stone refinery,and Renovation Hotel Mission This will be near the end of the current Mistria storyline once you reach the famous ranking of No. 55.
Finally, you can make your own stone refinery, which allows you to make refined stone and essence, which needs to power automation tools.
To create an automatic archive, you need:
- 10 refined stones
- 50 Essences
- 3 shiny beads
Shiny beads fall from the animal when you feed the animal After unlocking the nursing skills currency Under the allowance tree of the ranch. Upgrading this skill gives you the opportunity to get extra shiny beads in the morning when collecting animal produce.
Place the essence stone in the animal elves statue for power – and remember to check whether it needs a new statue every day, as the smaller essence stones quickly run out of juice. The autonomous driver will play the melody soothe every animal in the same barn in the statue, and the game treats it as you caress the animal that day.