I discovered an immersive world and story through Monster Hunter: Wild completely solo
Blog Andrew Joseph 04 Mar , 2025 0

Since David and Goliath, overcoming obstacles that far exceed themselves far exceed their own, this is the danger of Monster Hunter: The Wild and the Hostile Livian Mountaineer. But, I'm not David – I'm not much better than myself to push the enemy down. That was, until I became my first solo monster hunter experience and discovered a whole new world.
I first met the Monster Hunter series ten years ago, attracted by its exciting gameplay and impressive beasts. But my young self soon discovered that my fear of these virtual monsters felt too real. It took me several hours to be the best and weakest monster in the game, if that hasn't lifted me out of the mission time limit. Years later, after a friend was willing to “carry me” (do all the hard and horrible work), I returned to the franchise until I felt more comfortable holding my own stuff. I'm forever grateful to say to friends because I probably never really enjoyed Monster Hunter without their help. The series became a staple game experience for me, although each new title is always a collaboration experience with friends, partners and occasionally online strangers. With the latest section, Monster Hunter: Wilds, adding a new follower system and reintegrating its story and characters into the main campaign gameplay, I was determined to like it myself.

After you start in the wild, you introduce an ambitious overarching story that embeds you into an expedition team who joins you in important ways throughout the adventure. Everyone on the team has different features, from the “handler” of your mission to the Gemma who makes weapons and equipment. In Wilds, these characters do not wait for your service in Basecamp, but follow you in your quest and add characters and explanations to the world around you. Teammates will provide tutorials to enable you to take various actions that demonstrate the world of Wilds and the skills of the hunter. Wilds reintroduces the skateboards from the series, which connects to your arms to grab and fire items within range. While the core gameplay relies on many weapons you can use, the game keeps reminding you of creative ways you can use Slinger in cutscenes and settings, often involving dropping boulders onto enemies. Integrating stories and characters into the gameplay experience provides players with a variety of tools and incentives, just like traditional single-player RPGs.

Wild’s stories are filled with colorful characters, but their presence is more than just from cheering off the field to being directly involved in your hunt. Your beloved Palico companion joins you throughout the process, a cat-like creature who fights side by side despite having smaller, more adorable weapons. Palicoes' history is in the Monster Hunter title, and serves as a useful partner, playing a supporting role when knocking down monsters. Wilds took further steps with NPC followers, and the Hunter equipped with battles like you, but under the control of AI. If solo hunting is especially challenging, or you only like working on a team, you can quickly launch SOS flares from skiers and join in by the full hunter in seconds. The experience feels a lot like a multiplayer game, where the monster's attention is distracted between everyone (giving you important moments of temporary or reloading) and provides you with enthusiasts and healing followers throughout the battle. However, they are not constantly killing machines, and if left to their own equipment, they will not complete the beast and take all the loot by themselves. They work with you as a player to win huge, compelling blows and complete strikes. You still feel like you're defeating the main character of the creature multiple times with the support of others. I often go from soloing smaller monsters, wanting to dance with beasts until one of us dominates victory, to call the entire squad to support me for the fierce Titans.
Thanks to its seamless dispersion of interactive flora, fauna, and natural features, the ecology of monsters is more active and complex than ever before. Fights range from fist beast hunting to packed hunting to traversal and climbing snow along the environment to take advantage of it. Fighting Balahara is a living snake-shaped monster that involves dodging it from above as it spits out slime and jumps off the hanging dripping, escaping it from below as it tunnels under your feet and even creates huge QuickSand pits to capture your team. Meanwhile, only the huge Leviathan Uth Duna that appears during heavy rainstorms, return with range, return with sky leaps and caused tide waves, then escape from you, adding huge waterfalls to the battles that cannot break the flow of the game game.

Weather plays an important role in monster behavior, environmental conditions and even overall story. Each environment has three changing weather conditions: fallow, tendency and abundance. During recuperation, you will start in each area, leading to major weather changes, from thunderous sandstorms to burning hells. On the hostile side, you may have to dodge lightning or use cooling items to resist heat, plus there are new ambient triggers that can be paired with and give you a huge advantage in combat. So does prejudice when the apex predators in each region look up, and these enemies offer some of the game's biggest challenges. Finally, Seikrets – feathered raptors are transported along the environment. They can be summoned in a pinch with one command and will automatically pick you up and continue running, ideally when the monster brings you a lot of heat.
Throughout the game, you can use 14 types of weapons and you can practice any type of weapons in the designated training area. If you're new to the franchise, Alma will help you with some questions about what you're going to fight, and then provide weapon suggestions based on your answer: a hunter's personality quiz if you'd like. Each weapon has unique features, and you are welcome to turn around or find something that works for you and submit. Whether you prefer conflict and revenge with a fierce blow or want to be flexible in getting away from heavy rain, there is the ability to counter and dodge to explore and practice deeper gameplay. Although hacking and cuts usually solve the problem. One feature that really helped in my personal adventure is the newly introduced focus mode where you can aim attacks and guards, plus glowing red wounds, discard other resources when hitting a powerful focus strike.

Monster Hunter: Wilds' more challenging final game content cancels the security bar when you leave the main story, but still carves out the path of the solo. After completing the story in Low Level, you will join the more intense battles and harder monsters. Although the higher story focus is reduced, the linearity is less, meaning you can take on the monsters freely, which are your challenging monsters. Your level is through a fixed path to completing any advanced quests rather than quests, which means you can improve your gear and core skills, but you prefer it before returning to those monsters that give you extra trouble.
Monster Hunter: Wilds ushers in the new generation of series feature new environmental features and monster interactions, core game mechanics, and immersive story and character implementations. Solo Monster Hunter Game, arguably the beast I found is more scary than any deadly giant in Wilds, which is not only possible, but also helpful due to the latest work The Latest Works for Solo Hunter. After all the personal training, maybe I can give my friend’s kindness and help guide others to familiarize themselves with the series. However, I firmly believe that they can manage well even if I am not nearby.