Jetty Preview: This is a sea of ​​thieves, the remaining 4 people died, it is more graceful and interesting than last year

Yes, Jetty now has a well-known story behind its core PVE gameplay. The malicious virus has infected machines throughout the galaxy, and it is up to you and your Atirans compatriots to take root at the core of the galaxy and stop it. You will run through the task chain of each department generated by the program to get there. Some take 10 minutes, others may take an hour. You'll know roughly what's going to happen, because every branch selection on the jump map is color-coded so you know how many dangers you volunteer to get involved. But of course, the greater the danger, the greater the reward…

Now, Jetty has a well-known story behind its core PVE gameplay.

Help you are the uninfected AI you found in the preface called Iris, who is the narrator in your mission. It's a solid foundation around Gameplay's jetty, and it's a welcome structure. Just like the hangar, it’s the operational basis you can buy and customize outfits from the in-game currency cashing, view larger Galaxy maps, and even do some football in downtime.

But back to that core four-player gameplay. Boy Oh, boy is very funny! When you step on a mission, things naturally don’t always go as planned. Your ship will be attacked on its way to the destination, asking one of you to sail the boat and fire the meager pilot chair weapon, while the other sits at the appropriate weapon stand on the boat to wield 360 degrees on any annoying target The living cannon. Meanwhile, two of you may be boarded on the hull of the ship and photographed on the passing ship. That is, until enemy ships damage your ship, ask one or more of you to run, grab the fire extinguisher, climb into the ventilation holes, and put out the flames. After all, you have to keep that pineapple pizza maker in full work!

When you get to where you are going, all four are disembarked and walk into the structure that houses the loot you are pursuing. These evil, infected robots will continue to arrive and they won't work, so teamwork is crucial in every step of the mission. Your grapple hook hook can help you tighten you on areas of ground and outer space, and once you have obtained the big loot, one of you must send it back to the ship while the others protect your defense, arm – Complete self.

My demo last year and the latest demo from the previous few days were short. On the one hand, it proves that jetty is a brief explosion, so you don't have to quit to keep up with it. On the other hand, I haven't seen enough greater task structure and procedurally generated diversity to know if it will be implemented with endless replay commitments. But everything I've seen so far is absolutely screaming potential blows. Jetty has all the right ingredients to be special and I can’t wait to play more.

Ryan McCaffrey Podcast Unlockalso IGN is not filtered. He was a North Jersey guy, so it was “Taylor Ham” and not “Pork Rolls”. Debate with him on Twitter @dmc_ryan.

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