Killzone Composer wonders if people are moving forward from the series: “I feel people want something more casual, a little faster”
Blog Andrew Joseph 26 Mar , 2025 0

Sony's Killzone The franchise has been dormant for a while. Now, in a new interview, killer composer Joris de Man joins the chorus of people who want to see it back.
Speech Video instrument For PlayStation: Concert Tour, De Man expressed his desire for Killzone’s past work to return.
“I know there is a petition,” Deman said. “I think it's (tricky) because, I can't say guerrillas or anything…I don't know if it will happen. I hope it will be because it thinks it's an iconic franchise, but I also think it has to take into account the sensitivity of the sensitive people and the shift I want, I think it's because it's desolate in some ways.”
However, in what shape or form can the pesticides return are a little flexible. Deman notes that the remastered collection may be more successful than a brand new entry.
“I think (a) remakes will succeed, and I don't know if there will be so many new games,” Deman said. “I don't know if people have moved on from it and want something. Sometimes I don't know people want something more casual, faster.”
Compared to Call of Call of Call of Call, Killzone has a slower pace and heavier shooter. The Killzone 2 in particular is notorious for its obvious input lag, which makes it lack responsiveness on the PlayStation 3. In terms of visual, tone and atmosphere, the Killzone game is dark, frustrating, frustrating, muddy and tough.
In a recent interview Washington Postsounds like a developer guerrilla team owned by Sony Start with the Killzone franchise And turn your eyes to the horizon.
Nevertheless, it's been a few years since Killzone Shadow Fall's last post and Killzone's ideas or Killzone's ideas – or Even another Sony PlayStation shooter franchise – Still tempting for some fans. Whether or not it happened, the holder can know that there is at least one person in their corner.
Eric is a freelance writer for IGN.