On Bloodborne's 10th birthday, with neither sequel nor sight updates, fans are organizing back to Yharnam again

And it seems obvious that Miyazaki will be very busy with multiple projects and run a company. After Bloodborne came out in 2015, Miyazaki directed Dark Soul 3and then 2019 Sekiro: Shadow dies twice For activation, then the above Elden Ring, used for Bande Namko. What's next? Hayao Miyazaki hasn't said it yet.

In the interview, Hayao Miyazaki often deviates from the blood source and points out that the facts from the Sophora software do not own an IP. But in February last year, Miyazaki at least admits that the game will benefit from the release of more modern hardware.

In the years since, Modders have tried to fill the gap with fan-made projects, improving the PS4 Bloodborne experience. But Sony took a light view. Lance McDonald, the famous Bloodborne 60fps mod creator, announced in January He received a revocation notice on behalf of Sony Interactive Entertainment: “I was asked to delete the link to the patch I posted on the internet, so I did it now.” The DMCA split arrived four years after the MOD was released.

Then, just a week later, Lilith Walther,,,,, Creator Nightmare kartformerly known as Blood source karteye-catching blood-borne PSX DeMake tweeted that an old YouTube video was hit by copyright claims.

Recently, fans have managed to get the PS4 emulator to offer something similar to a remake on PC. Technical Expert Digital Casting released video “PS4 emulation breakthrough” is covered by Shadps4, which means Bloodborne can now start full play in 60fps. Will this breakthrough trigger a positive reaction from Sony? IGN asked Sony to comment at the time, but has not responded yet.

Indeed, that's all we have to continue, and this has led Bloodborne fans to organize their own return to the Yharnam community event. Another start for todayOn the 10th anniversary of Bloodborne's founding, and call on fans to create a new character and call together as many random collaborators and intruders as possible and leave in-game news promoting them as part of this latest community drive.

Maybe this will be everything fans can do in the blood source world forever.

Wesley is the UK news editor for IGN. Find him on Twitter via @wyp100. You can reach Wesley via [email protected] or secretly visit [email protected].

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