Remedy's FBC Firebreak's remaining 4 people died, not on-site service, and that's how it's beautiful
Blog Andrew Joseph 21 Mar , 2025 0

Remedy is a recording studio known for disappearing in work for years, and then an invention of often bent single player games like Max Payne, Alan Wake or Control. But recently the studio has developed a lot and become a team that takes into account several projects at the same time. And the upcoming Max Payne Remake and Control 2remedies are also trying something very different from the game in the past. FBC Fire Protection is the oldest house in the three-person co-op PVE first-person shooter. I recently saw a preview of a game that strives to combine the team’s iconic strangeness with the pick-up appeal of a modern multiplayer shooter. But its best feat is probably No Want to be: Your part-time job.
In FBC Firebreak, a team of three players performs a mission called Jobs who have to clean various parts of the unpredictable oldest house, fighting the hiss with a series of weapons that absolutely feel like remedies. Control's various hissing enemies show an exciting display in the missions I've seen, called Paper Chase, where the FBC's first responder must use weapons like Piggy Bank Mallet for corrupt agents before forming millions of sticky monsters, such as against Office Bass and Gustherbusters by millions of sticky notes.

The demos I saw showed several “kits”, each designed to tilt some kind of game and complement each other in a three-person lineup. The Jump kit uses power capability and provides gain for mobility; the Repair kit is a candid product with a huge melee attack wrench. The Splash suite is designed as a support class that can damage the environment using water-based loads.
While the game can be played in solo or in pairs, the remedy says it was designed for the entire three teams to greet the hiss. Each job includes three zones each time you play, with different goals, environments and challenges each and every zone escalating in difficulties and ultimately in boss showdowns, so the allies’ players will go all out, but that’s possible.
The visual style, creative weapons, intense combat and sly workplace humor all reminds me of control, but thanks to the first person perspective and the endless replay mission format of the game, it also reminds me of the remaining 4 deaths.
Game Director Mike Kayetta told me that while the team sought guidance from other modern shooters to bring FBC Firebreak to life, it also attributed to the collaboration’s All-Timer. “Of course there is no (and shouldn't) with another game there (…) especially great people like L4D. It's the royal family in the whole cooperative society's convention, and yes, the evolution and movement in the game has been very big since then, but I don't think anyone can jump into this space in this space without any healthy respect and awe of the original king.”
One thing I wrote Review of the death of left 4 Its total lack of metagames – no battle pass, no level of systems, no endless unlocking of trains – some developers consider it a non-starter today. When I talked to them, some developers suggested you build games like this again. FBC Firebreak does not have L4D when thrown away all These elements you do upgrade and are fully burdened to be perfect and unlockable, but the difference between this game and most others in today’s multiplayer space is that it won’t punish you for not being planned. Refreshingly, in this sense, it has no plans to become a live service.
“Most of the decisions come from the gamers and listen to the gamers,” Keyeta told me. “So many people feel the same thing. There are so many good things out there to pass my backlog, and now you want me to play The only one This game? Or feel sad because I didn't play this game Enough? Maybe I'm just frivolous because I have two kids at home and have very little time to play, but I know I can't be the only one. ”

Interestingly, I also have two kids at home and have so much attention on how the game requires me to pay attention to it, I stop playing games sometimes I like Just because I feel like I can't sign their meta in them correctly. Kayetta's words are so familiar to me, because I'm sure they are reading this book now. This feeling is so common in remedies that the game director told me that he didn’t even think of a person who objected to the idea and gave the game more traditional live service. “No second guess. Really, I'm sitting here to build a brain, taking an example of someone who wants to do something different and draw blanks,” he said.
This is not to say that FBC Firebreak will not have post-release support. The game will get free updates, such as new quests, and paid cosmetics will attract a lot of the community that plays the game, but if you are such a devotee, it should be because you want to be there, not because you are obliged to show up. The remedy says there will be no “no limited time rotation or daily login”.
“Because different people have different meanings (on-site service). We never thought of meeting or succumbing to these trends. We were just talking about what provides value to our games, and we could be looking for something reasonable.”
It's almost nostalgic to hear the team talk about multiplayer games in this way. This reminds me of the thousands of hours I poured into L4D – I guess how I can do it all without worrying about any fomo-induced metagame systems that now make me similar to the games I really enjoy, but sometimes just play, but sometimes just checking out their proverb box. Some live service game options offer combat passes that cannot be expired as a solution, but this is hardly helpful, as newer combat passes are always available as well. I even found that this system gets worse sometimes, for example when I went back to Halo Infinite and found that I had about 9 passes to do my job if I was willing to catch up with today’s product.

Within the scope of FBC Firebreak's progressive system, I hope I'll be greatly inspired to attract them to the greatest extent possible. I tend to like remedies works, the game demos I see look great and no doubt I will scrub it to the level Remedy the connected universe Can be picky in any situation. But it's exciting to know that I'm going to do all of these things because I want to do it, not because they're some invisible boss orders.
FBC FireBreak will deliver the Xbox Series X|S and PS5 to PC this summer. This will be a “medium price title” and PlayStation Plus Day 1.