The First Berserker: Ongoing Khazan Comment

I was able to achieve these insurmountable feats as Neople implemented two great quality of life decisions in the first Berserker. First of all, dying repeatedly on the boss is not just about having nothing, but about giving precious Quhu to you based on your excessive reduction of your life. Each upgrade that helps you afford will add a little further next time, and by polishing your boss, the upgrade you need to beat is more valuable than breaking into a farm elsewhere. Second, skill points are awarded separately from the level you earn in Purple Ac Dance, but instead receive rewards through a more traditional experience bar filled only through combat. While not necessarily adding stats, unlocking new moves to use or enhance favorites may just be what you need to beat a stubborn encounter.

After finally finding what was required to me at the end of each mission and gaining the ability to make me feel like I can fight anything, I come to enjoy Kazan's devastating boss. They put me in trouble at levels and hordes of enemies that are largely uninterested. For my skills and statistics, it's a steep, sometimes frustrating climb, but it's also exciting to perform split guards and dodges to escape ruthless attacks and slam my enemies with their own steel. If I haven't reviewed it, then there's a good chance I'll take a break early and who knows if I'll go back. But now I know I have the ability to accept (by far) the worst khazard I throw at me, and I look forward to seeing it until the end.

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